sexta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2014

Material adicional para a disciplina: HF005 Teoria de Conjuntos I, turma A Segundo Semestre de 2015 Prof. Walter Carnielli e Dr. Gabriele Pulcini Terças-feiras, 14h às 18h Sala 211, CLE Links para exclusivo uso didático! 1) Iain T. Adamson. A Set Theory Workbook. Birkhäuser; 1998 2) Stephen Pollard. A Mathematical Prelude to the Philosophy of Mathematics. Springer, 2014 Conteúdo: 1 Recursion, Induction . 2 Peano Arithmetic, Incompleteness 3 Hereditarily Finite Lists 4 Zermelian Lists 5 The Hierarchy of Sets 6. Frege Arithmetic 7 Intuitionist Logic 3) Leitura adicional: tópicos de Paolo Mancosu. The Adventure of Reason: Interplay Between Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic, 1900-1940 Oxfored University Press, 2014.